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Denis is a forex trader for more than 9 years now. Apart from these he likes to share knowledge about the opportunities available in the financial markets. He loves to share ideas that are entrepreneurship based, interpreting and predicting the financial money market, forming brilliant investment ideas in his free time.

You can connect with him at Facebook and LinkedIn.


He is an Accounting Technicians Certificate and a CPA holder from Nairobi, Kenya and currently trading the financial markets full time.

He is also looking forward to pursue a Masters degree in Economics and enhance his knowledge in the area of Financial analysis and also attain a professional certification on the same.

By Denis Kamenju.
"I have always cherished the time that i have spent trading the forex market and sharing knowledge and ideas. Each time makes me make a difference in the world that we live in by trying to reach out to every individual out there with information worth sharing."
"That's why i love connecting with other people. So check out my pages at Facebook and LinkedIn."